Have you noticed that:
People who oppose the Affordable Care Act already have
health insurance? Congress has health
insurance paid for by tax dollars?
People who support the trickle down economic theory (or
supply side, or whatever you want to call it) tend to either have money to
trickle down but don’t want to, or have been convinced to support that theory
by the rich?
When fundamental Christians embrace conservative political philosophy
their mantra changes from “to whom much is given, much is required,” to “for
whom much is earned, little shall be taxed”?
People who pray, “Thank you, Lord for our nation where we
are free to worship and call you Lord,” also tend to support codifying their
particular religious values in law?
The very churches who bask in the benefits of separation of
church and state promote political perspectives from the pulpit and argue to
implement their religious beliefs into law?
The national debt in January of 2009 when Obama was inaugurated,
the debt he inherited from Bush, was $10.6 trillion and no one said a word? Today it is $16.8 trillion and conservatives
are screaming.
If every Latino, Black and poor person in Texas actually
registered to vote and did so Texas would be a state dominated by the Democrat
Party. Republicans want to restrict
voter rights?
The candidates that spend the most money in the campaign
tend to get elected? Since the conservative Supreme Court now allows
corporations to donate political money in unlimited amounts that the number of
conservatives elected to office has increased?
The schools that consistently have high student outcomes on
high stakes standardized tests are the schools with the wealthiest kids and the
schools with the highest expenditures per kid?
Perhaps that is why conservatives want to take more money away from
public schools, especially poor schools, rather than put more money into
schools that need it the most.
The percentage of Americans who are millionaires is 1%. The percentage of Congressmen who are
millionaires is 50%?
Those who earn the most money set about structuring the rules
to maintain their wealth?
Despite the evidence across the globe that the restriction
of gun ownership reduces violence and death, and despite the continued occurrence
of malcontents and disturbed folks using weapons to kill innocent people, we
continue to argue that owning a gun is a right that should not be limited?
The number of poor children in Texas is escalating and the number
of businesses moving here is escalating; and at the same time the state is cutting
benefits to the poor kids and offering more benefits to businesses moving here?
If a patient dies it is not the doctor’s fault, if a tooth
must be pulled it is not the dentist’s fault, if a lawyer loses a case it is
not the lawyer’s fault, but if a kid fails to learn it is the teacher’s fault,
or the principal’s fault, or the superintendent’s fault?
Many educators support conservative philosophies despite the
fact they are government employees paid by tax dollars and hired to promote the
learning of all kids?
It is not unique on this planet for a small ruling class to
accumulate wealth and refuse to share it with others less fortunate? It is unique on this planet to argue that all
people are created equal and that all people have certain inalienable rights.
Those who proudly stand on the corner and promote the USA
are the first to persecute liberals, atheists, homosexuals and anyone who
thinks differently from them in direct contradiction to what makes this nation
To identify these simple truths is risky in the current political
climate in Texas?
If you haven’t noticed the above then go back to sleep.
If you have noticed and live in Texas then I believe you are awake. Hang in there. I believe the day will come when our
government cannot be bought and we will return to the basic principles that
made us great.
And for that belief I am truly thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving!