

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First Stones

Are you amazed that Herman Cain is accused of sexual harassment and of having an affair?  I'm not.  I do not know the man, but I know the type.  He is a male of the homo sapien species, the last of the genus homo.  Whether you are a creationist or are literate surely you know that no perfect human walks this earth.  Headlines:  a Presidential candidate sinned!  Wake me up for the 10:00 news.

In fact, the news could really get interesting.  I suggest that every reporter who intends to write or broadcast a story that reveals the sins of public figures should first confess their sins using the same medium.  Wouldn't that be interesting?  At least more entertaining.  I am willing to wager my teacher retirement that we have never had a perfect President, a perfect Congressman, or a perfect journalist.  Even Bill Clinton sinned, though it still appears he is confused by the difference in oral sex and intercourse.  And yes, I am willing to admit that I have sinned, but I will spare you the details as this is a blog, not a Tolstoy novel.

Is the nature of the sin relevant?   Perhaps.  Shall we weigh sin?  Perhaps.  Is murder worse than adultery?  Is rape worse than drug addiction?  Is embezzlement worse than lust?  I resist judging, but as a human both flawed and precious I will do so: (see, publicly giving into temptation!)  I lean toward a "yes" for each of the above questions for a variety of reasons.  For me, the issue is about doing unto others.....  If I harm someone else that is worse than if I pleasure myself inappropriately.  But, rest assured, I will not be sitting at the Pearly Gates to pass judgement when you get there.

I don't like Herman Cain because of his politics.  Of course he sinned, as has everyone else.  That  is not the question.   I am not as fond of Obama as I used to be because he has moved so far to the right, but I have never had any delusions that he was perfect.

"He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone."  Sound advice.  Evidently the only perfect people in the USA are journalists.  They always cast the first stones.

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