

Friday, December 21, 2012

My Christmas Wish

Dear Santa,

This is all I want for Christmas:

I wish I could be a conservative. I wish I could think like conservatives think. I wish I could vote Republican like everyone else around here. I wish my deep religious beliefs did not so influence my political and philosophical beliefs. I wish all I know about economics I was able to put aside and vote conservative. I wish all I know about the moneyed special interest groups I could put aside and vote conservative. I wish all I know about establishing aristocracies at the expense of the working class would simply exit my brain. I wish I were dumber. I wish I could passionately support what I hear on one-sided media and believe it to be true. I wish I were less rational and thoughtful and more emotional. I wish I was not so much a person of conscience. I wish I did not care about those with less than I have, I wish I did not care about equity, I wish I did not care about civil rights, I wish I did not care about democracy and public schools and public welfare, etc., etc. I wish I did not believe that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. I wish I didn't know you can't take it with you.  I wish that I could ignore the reason for this season, the ultimate gift to an undeserving humanity, and think like conservatives think. Then perhaps I would not always feel like I am swimming upstream. Perhaps then I could be happy. Perhaps then I could really be me.

Not gonna happen.

But thanks for listening, Santa.

(Free toys for boys and girls world-wide? Sleighs me. Santa, you must be a liberal too!)

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