

Sunday, October 2, 2011

TO: God, FROM: Eileen

I am so confused and need your help, as always.  A sign would be nice, and it does not have to be a burning bush, the parting of a sea, or chiseled stone tablets.  (Water into wine would be nice, but that's just selfish on my part.)  A memo would be great!  

I believe I get it that you are all about love, love for each other and love for you.  I believe I get it that after giving us a bunch of rules to live by and our consistent failure to be able to meet those rules, you sent your son to love us, to model human life for us, to die for us and our sins, to be resurrected to an eternal life, and to offer us grace and forgiveness.  I believe that what we need to be doing is loving each other, helping each other, supporting each other, seeking your will, worshipping you, loving you and thanking you, plus believing in you.  OK?  That's what I'm doing now, seeking your will.  Again, a memo would be great!

First, have I got it right, that is, as summarized above?  Is that what you want?

Second, if I have it right, how come so many others don't?  How can people call on your name and work so very hard to increase their own tangible wealth on this planet at the expense of the poor, the ill, the elderly, the planet itself?  Or, do they see something I cannot see, understand something I cannot?  I would understand someone announcing they are both an atheist and a conservative, here on the planet to get what they can for themselves, to fight any infringement on their freedom to accumulate wealth and share it.  I would get that, but I don't get the other.  Come on, just give me a hint and I will try really hard to get it.  In other words, if you want me to be a conservative and a Christian, just tell me because I cannot get it.

And third, because I think you like things in 3's, if the answer to my first question is "yes" and the answer to my second question is "they just don't get it," then would you please just make whatever answers you give me available to the public? Would you please do so whether I am on the right track or not? 

I humbly thank you, Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaaaaay- MEN!! (raising hands high in supplication)
