

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Criminal Minds

It is the first day of a new year and I should be busy making black eyed peas, ham and cornbread. I’m not. I’m bothered and therefore driven to write.

I ache for our world, our country, and a host of individuals. There is so much pain, so much conflict. How I wish I had the ability to resolve Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, China, North Korea, the pain of Newton, the fiscal cliff, the sadness of kids going without on Christmas, educational reform, etc. I do not have that power, and it is a good thing I do not. My solutions would not be acceptable to many.

Why? Because I deeply believe we either help, support, love, cherish, and improve the lot of our fellow humans even at our own expense, or we pursue paths that are in our own self interest and for our own gain, and discount all others. I believe such a path is criminal, but that is just me.

How can a person justify a criminal act? It is simple, really. There is something I want; therefore, it is good because I want it. The “I wants” can be physical like jewels and cash, can be emotional, can be sexual, can be avoidance of fear and discomfort, etc. I will take what I want and not worry about you because what I want is by definition good. If you are in my way, then you deserve the consequences. It is all about me, it is not about you. It is the mindset of the leadership in many other countries, and in a large number of our elected representatives. It is the mindset of many in prison, and many who should be. What is good for me and people like me is good. Any loss to me, any risk to me is bad. I want what I have and I want more.

I am a criminal if I am willing to hurt others, take from others, deceive others, to get what I want. The most sophisticated of criminals couch their pursuit of self interest in rhetoric that sounds wonderful and rationalizations that sound valid. They are neither wonderful nor valid. If you pursue something that is beneficial to you and harmful to others you are in a criminal mind set. If your mission is self-service rather than service to others, you are in a criminal mind set. The core arrogance of the criminal mind set is that the criminal believes what they want is more important than any other human’s wants. They are wrong. It is for this reason that I love educators and preachers. Most have clearly been willing to forgo personal financial reward to operate in the arena of service to others.

My only resolution for the coming year is to avoid the criminal mind set. To have integrity, honesty and practice service to others regardless of what it costs me. I want to want what is best for you, not what is best for me. If I can do that, I believe I will be a real human being. I will have a year full of grace, peace, joy and love. I will carry the spirit of Christmas into January and beyond.

Time to make peas, cornbread and ham.

Happy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! Thanks for all of the postings this past year. You have helped me think outside the box.
