

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

About My Blogs

About My Blogs

I write and post to three blogs: 

One-Eyed Bob is my home base where I discuss education and politics.  I am proud that I have won multiple awards from AASA for OEB and have a far-ranging audience.  I even occasionally review a movie or sound off on some current event so it is not just education talk.

One-eyed Bob on God is brand spanking new.  My faith has been shaky recently and I have been looking at what the theists, atheists, and the anti-theists have to say. I will put all that in one new blog.

My oldest blog and the one I have been most proud to write is Tardy Belle.  Yes, I am the author of Tardy Belle under the pseudonym Eileen Good.  The picture of Eileen on the blog is actually of my mother.  I began Tardy Belle as a public school superintendent.  If I had something that I felt really needed to be said and knew that it was not safe for me as a school superintendent to say, I wrote as Eileen and posted on Tardy Belle.  In this neck of Texas most folks are ultra conservative and have never even talked to a progressive.  While I was a superintendent all my progressive rants were posted by Eileen Good on Tardy Belle.  If you have read or followed Tardy Belle and feel deceived or betrayed I am truly sorry.  Admittedly I wrote on Tardy Belle out of fear of reprisal.  No more.  All such entries now appear on one-eyed bob and I do not intend to post to Tardy Belle again, unless of course circumstances demand it.  I will begin to move some of “Eileen’s” posts to one-eyed bob as the spirit moves me.  I will leave all the posts on Tardy Belle there for your perusal now that I have “come out.”  Eileen Good had a wonderful voice for me to assume and I shall miss her:

Thank you one and all for reading my blogs.  I love to write them and love your feedback.

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