

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Coffee Cup Half Full


I awoke at 5:45 this morning to the sound of school buses headed out on their routes. You know, despite all that is wrong with the current educational reforms, despite all the voucher, charter, accountability, funding, high stakes testing, etc., etc., issues in public schools, amazing things continue to happen each and every day. Buses head out to pick up kids, teachers and aides stand dutifully welcoming kids and parents to our facilities. Bells ring, teachers teach, lunches are served, extra-curricular activities draw crowds, and a myriad of good hearted, hard working people are doing their darndest every day to make a positive change in the future of our children. I get angry that we do not provide the political environment and necessary resources to support us in doing what we know is right for kids. But, we continue to do it anyway.

Bless you all for serving our kids, our nation, and our future! Keep it up!



Anonymous said...

Even if the current political climate does not promote teachers, teaching and in general public education, when I get up every day head out for another day in the trenches, I do because I believe it is where I am needed. I believe in the 145 faces I see each day, and I believe that each and every one of them is important and special. If I did not believe that, this might not be the job for me. Never have I been interested in being an administrator, thank goodness for those of you that do. To me, teaching is the best job ever! I fight each and every day to be given that pleasure and believe it is not about the test, but rather about the child.

AUGUST 29, 2011 7:29 PM

Mrs. G. said...

Yes, good things continue to happen in schools and always will, although it may become less frequent. I fear the true impact of the current climate is yet to come. My daughter is twelve and has been teaching her stuffed animals since she was two. I'm talking whole classes with sticker charts, take-home folders, etc. I always thought she'd be a teacher, but now she's completely against it. She sees the layoffs, pension changes, class size increases, etc. "Who needs the hassle?" she says. I am certain she's not the only prospective teacher coming to that conclusion.

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