

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Of Church and State

March 5, 2010

OK, I am a Christian and I go to church. (Hell, at my age can't take any chances on the hereafter.) I find myself surrounded in church by folks who want the government to put prayer back in school, teach Bible in school, and erect Ten Commandment icons all over the place. Seems to me that my most cherished right is the right to believe whatever I want and the greatest risk to that right is a government collecting tax dollars and spending those dollars on promoting religion, or one religion over another, or any religion at all. Scares the bejezus out of me. In fact, the more passionate those folks get about the government (and that, to me, includes any branch or function that is funded by tax dollars including our schools) promoting Christianity, the more they sound to me like radical Muslims who want a theocracy. Will someone please tell me the difference?

I think we should all demand an absolutely clear division between church and state. If you worship a god that is dependent upon public loud speakers and statues for support, change gods.

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