

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy Anniversary


Hello dear and faithful readers. This blog was launched one year ago today, and now 25 posts later I am still here, still writing, still thinking about our schools, our country, and the state of the world in general. What began as a late afternoon rant has become a ritual for me, a safe way to explore what I think about what is happening without having to dodge pitchforks or tomatoes in public.

I sense the fear in our country, and though I believe one of the gifts of fear is wisdom, I suspect that we are turning from that gift. We live in a nation of incredible wealth, but more and more that wealth is in the hands of fewer and fewer. Equally amazing to me, those who have it argue for the enforcement of their values which stress intolerance for all who are not like them.

Core values must remain if we are to progress. Core values must remain if we are to maintain, though if our goal is to maintain we are doomed to regress. I dream of an America that serves as a beacon of hope for all, a pillar of virtue, and a protector of the weak. If that sounds syrupy it is perhaps because I love our role as heroes and hold in highest regard those who sacrifice for the good of others.

Here, then, are my core values:

#1: Care for each other as we would care for ourselves and our families. We are great at doing this in times of disaster, both here and abroad. We are not great at doing this when it comes to sharing our wealth for the less fortunate among us, or when it comes to sharing with those with whom we have a hard time finding common ground. Black, Latino, liberals, union members, pro-choice, homosexual, Muslim, etc. I happen to believe that this value expands my view of self and family to all human beings. I further believe that though I can make a difference with those in need on a daily basis, I am more than willing to share what wealth I have through other organizations, including my government, to reach even more.

#2: Do no harm. This is the reciprocal of #1. If I cannot help you, I surely should not hurt you. The medical profession claims this value, and I think we all should from the simplest exchange with another person to our decisions about issues, causes, taxes, programs, etc. Educators should claim this value as well. If our approach in school to each individual child was based on this tenet, we could dramatically improve the future success of our children. Embedded in this value is the sense that I should not steal, should not lie, should not assault, should not kill, and host of other core romper-room no-nos. Likewise, it does not mean that parents should not discipline their children or that we should live in a society without a legal system.

#3: Serve others, not self.

#4: Do not reward those who violate the first three core values. If through selfish acts a person accumulates power, wealth, and control then they should not be rewarded with those fruits. I do not advocate witch hunting or burning, and I do advocate fairness and equity. Poor men and rich men should reap the same results for theft.

#5: Believe in the sanctity of each human life, believe in the potential of each human life, and strive to protect and promote both. As a people, I believe we will be ultimately judged by how we treat those most in need.

There you have it. As I reflect on our policies and programs I strive to maintain these values. I trust you, faithful reader, to call my hand should I stray from the path. My goal is to honor my name.

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